
Using Insulation To Save Money On Heating

Heating of a house is an expensive proposition. It is observed that an average house owner spends about 85% of the heating bill to heating of space, and only the balance of 15 % is consumed for heating of water. Are you amazed? As most of the expense is incurred in heating of rooms, you could make a substantial saving if this expense could be brought down. And, mind you it’s not too difficult or expensive a proposal as the arrangements pays for itself thru the recurring savings it enables you to make.

You’ll find it of interest to learn that the suggested proposition holds good irrespective of the kind of heating you might be employing, be it gas or electricity. Hope you have guessed it by now. Yes it is thru proper insulation that you can save recurring heating expense. A good part of the money that you spend producing heat is lost because the insufficient or improper insulation is unable to retain heat generated. The losses may be as high as 60% at times. Two major ports of your house which facilitate this loss of heat are the walls and the ceiling. As wall area is more than the roof area, and the loss of heat is directly proportional to area, you could lose up to 35% of heat thru the walls and the balance of 25% is thru the ceiling.

home insulation

So, one of the most effective way of cutting on or gas or power bills will be to have the right and sufficient insulation. Well, you may already be having some kind of a natural insulation. .In case your home is sandwiched between two other houses or if you already have a terraced house, your situation is not as bad. The walls of the neighbor’s houses act as a protective blanket by trapping the air heated by your heating arrangements. In such a situation you may not need as much of insulation as you would need if you were staying in a detached or semi detached house. Nevertheless, a terraced house does lose some heat thru the walls would need to be insulated to have an optimum utilization of the heat generated at your expense.

wall insulation

Another major point of heat loss in a house is its windows. Unless your house is double glazed, you stand to lose up to 20% of generated heat. Providing an effective insulation to your home thru cavity wall insulation, and insulation of lofts and by having double glazing on your windows can result to substantial savings. Going the estimates of gas, one may save up to $380 annually on gas or electricity bills by adapting to the suggested measures.

It’s not only the money you save for yourself by having efficiently effective insulation, you are contributing to the larger interest of the society too by reducing carbon emissions by reducing the consumption of energy, the generation of which causes increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Improved insulation certainly adds to the value of your property, while it protects the walls and the ceilings from getting damp because of condensation of water vapors. Over and above everything else, you will have a warmer house in winters and a cooler house in summers to welcome you after a day’s work.


  1. When summer comes, usually we encounter intense heat (caused by weather), and problems on electric bills because of too much usage of air conditioners and other appliances. Using insulation on your roof is one of the better options to lessen the heat on your home.

    When we had renovation on our home, I searched for an expert in roofing. Calgary, our hometown, has a lot of professional (Calgary) roofers so I got a good roofing service.

  2. Yeah true. So if we really want to get rid of these high bills we should come across Foam Roof as it makes it smoother for the house and prevents a lot of heat to come inside.
